
  • Popcorn Ceiling Texture

    Popcorn Ceiling Texture

    Ceiling Texture on painted metal crutch AppearanceChunky surface irregular surface   Physical ChangesExpanded the line qualityMade a smooth surface roughChanged the color (CelluClay comes in different colors).Sharp to the touch due to the way it was appliedStrongest/most stable where the CelluClay was thicker and attached to itself. UtilityPotential to adhere things togetherCan attach to a…

  • Jasper Johns

    Jasper Johns

    Target, 1961 Materials: Encaustic and newspaper on canvas Much more interesting up close. Can see layers of collage and the texture of the paint and wax. Shows possibility of utilizing the transparency of wax.

  • Barbara Cooper

    Barbara Cooper

    Spathe, 1988/89 Materials: Wood Process: Weaving  I love the way the texture comes from the shadow from the weaving and the different tones of the wood. Would be interested in weaving some surface treated wood; enamel, stains.

  • Olivia Bax

    Olivia Bax

    All Ears, 2021 https://www.oliviabax.co.uk/?pgid=l1w0493g-43c2cdbf-d061-4669-9542-b41b65acfee2 Materials: Polystyrene, pipe, funnel, cardboard, newspaper, UV resistant PVA, paint, UV varnish  Process: Unique process of paper mache. Interested in the rough texture and process of covering objects like a pipe and funnel with a uniform surface that transforms the objects.

  • Nicole Eisenman

    Nicole Eisenman

    Untitled Materials: Oil paint on cast aluminum Eisenman applies oil paint roughly onto a surface, opposed to a smooth application that attempts to cover the aluminum. Eisenman uses the paint to emphasize the material and create an interesting texture.

  • Chalk


    Chalk on plastic wrap, rubbed on AppearancePowdery and blue. Translucent, range of opaqueness depending on thickness of chalk applied. Physical ChangesCreates a soft textured surfaceChanges color and opacityIs unstable UtilitySticks to adhesiveCan be used to change texture and color

  • Wax


    Wax on paper towel roll AppearanceHardened, has a waxy sheen. The rolls are attached and hold a bent shape. Physical ChangesOff white/creamThe separated layers of towels are visible adding more texture and interior surfaceHeavier UtilityCan by used to adhere materialsCan be absorbed into an object that is porousHolds its shapeCan add an irregular sheen to…

  • Glitter


    AppearanceThe individual pieces of glitter are coarse making a chunky on the surface causing larger shadows and highlights. The glitter has a light blue tint and is reflective. Physical ChangesChanges the way light hits the objectGlitter is fragileCovered the surface with a uniform texture UtilityAdheres to adhesiveChanges color and texture

  • Latex


    Structural/Degradable/Textural Latex on pulled fabric AppearanceChunky, flexible, yellow. The individual threads become noodle looking, bunched up and curled. Physical ChangesChanged the colorChanged the way the fabric moves, flexible, bouncyThe fabric is now rubbery UtilityCan by used to adhere materials because the latex sticks to itselfCan be applied to surfaces that can absorb the latexHolds its shape…

  • Rachel Harrison

    Rachel Harrison

    Process: Paper-mache like process of layering materials on foam and wire. Content: satirical, pop-culture, grotesque Technological/Textural/Structural

  • Instant Paper Mache

    Instant Paper Mache

    An aluminum crutch coated in CelluClay instant paper mache. AppearanceRough, chunky surface, though with other application methods could have been smoothed out more than it was (this is a texture I’m currently chasing).  Physical ChangesExpanded the line qualityMade a smooth surface roughChanged the color (CelluClay comes in different colors).Sharp to the touch due to the…

  • Flocking


    Green Flocking on spray foam, wire Flocking is the process of depositing many small fiber particles (called flock) onto a surface. It can also refer to the texture produced by the process, or to any material used primarily for its flocked surface. Decorative, facades and veneers Makes surface appear velvety, soft and green. Is able to cover…

  • Urethane Rubber

    Urethane Rubber

    This is urethane rubber (Smooth-On Simpact 60A) applied to plaster tape and Li-Qua-Che (Activa). Appearance: Added a rubbery, glossy appearance. It also made the Li-Qua-Che appear much more yellowed and cracked below the surface of the rubber while it cured. Physical changes: The surface is much more grippy and even a bit sticky. Utility: Adds grip, waterproofing, and…