Better Have
Shelving like that used in closets is bent and stressed to mirror the pressures of those who play a supporting role. Marking paint calls attention and acts as an indicator while Plasti-dip brings with it function, grip, and connotations of labor.
Dead Weight
A deflated and creased form that relates, a surface that distracts, suspended for variety. This piece includes a wide variety of constructed surfaces in order to observe how they interact.
Out to Dry
A continued exploration of familiar and functional structures from home (strained, repaired, and reliant).
Damsels in Distress
Sophia FunstonDamsels in Distress, 2024 (detail of single lure)Fishing hooks, lace, fur, wax, tulle, felt, embroidery thread, cotton, liquid latex, silk, bobbin
Enclosed Loop
Enclosed Loop, 2023Laundry baskets, plaster, adhesive, wire, paint A pair of conjoined laundry baskets create a cage or represent an ongoing cycle.
A Soft Punch to the Gut
Composed of everyday load-bearing structures and utilitarian objects that have been repeatedly broken and mended, the work stands like a figure and references the need to hold together.