
  • Dip Paint

    Dip Paint

    Dip paint on softball AppearanceObject half red with a sheen (multiple coats). Adds a fresh coat to an old object and emphasizes the degradation and original texture of the ball. Physical ChangesCreates a uniformed surfaceColorAllows texture and original form of the object to show through UtilityAdheres to most things, absorbent objects need more coatsCan be…

  • Abraham Cruzvillegas

    Abraham Cruzvillegas

    Symbolic/Color Horizontes, 2005 Materials: Acrylic enamel gloss pink paint and chalk-board green paint on approximately 400 found objects Process: Dip dye Content: Uniformity Juxtaposition of the chalky green and the glossy pink. Identity- “The pink and green reference the Mangueira favela flag from the Samba school in Rio de Janeiro, where Cruzvillegas visited in…